After six years of college, I finally graduated with my Bachelor's Degree! Although this may sound very exciting, (and it is) the transitional stage is very puzzling. It's hard having to accept I have been in school most of my life, and now it is finally over. I've been told this is normal, but I am very anxious and excited to see what is ahead.
I am taking this fall off and traveling to Europe, Disney World and out west to visit family. My brother and sister-in-law are having their third baby, so it will be exciting meeting my new nephew.
I had a wonderful graduation party with family and a few close friends at the neighborhood pool. I am very grateful and enjoyed everyone who was there.
I also have the incredible opportunity of being able to report on One Start START Berlin this September. I will keep everyone posted with pictures and videos of my European travel. :)
I'm glad we were able to celebrate with you. Congrats and I hope you have a wonderful time in Europe.