Hello Everyone!
It's been over three and a half years since I've blogged on here! For those who are new here or haven't seen, I'm a Flight Attendant for a major airline on the West Coast. My career as a flight attendant is very rewarding and continues to provide personal growth. I have explored many cities and states over the past three years including New York, Honolulu and San Diego. I have also flown into Orlando countless times and have gone to Disney World on my work layovers.

If you are interested in becoming a Flight Attendant, I'm going to share my personal experience and thoughts on this career:
At certain times, it has been challenging being away from home and family. I do however, get to fly for free (on standby) which eliminates the challenge of being on the other side of the country. Even though I live in Florida but work on the West Coast, I don't mind the commute. It's refreshing to get a taste of the East and West coast.
I am single and don't have kids. However, if you are considering on becoming a Flight Attendant, keep in mind it may be a completely different situation when you have a young family. This doesn't mean you will never see them or it will always be like that. You may be based in the city where you live, which would eliminate the separation between family.
Also keep in mind the longer you are a Flight Attendant, the more flexibility you will have with your schedule. Some Flight Attendants who have been with the company for a couple years or more, only work and handful of days each month and spend the rest of the time at home with their families. This career is super flexible on schedules, once you put your time in!
Above: Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Above: Honolulu, Hawaii
I love that I can choose to work a ton of hours in a month period to store up money. If I also want to scale it back, I can work less and spend more time at home with the family.
It is possible to buy a house on Flight Attendant pay, but you do have to be wise with your money! I'm currently cutting down on expenses and living a more financially conservative life so I can buy a house 2-3 years from now. I am also considering buying a condo in Florida or Phoenix and commuting, because living on the West Coast isn't cheap! (The airline I'm with only has bases on the West Coast.) However, there are many Flight Attendants who live on the West Coast and make it work. Since I am single, I am financially solo and will have to do what is best for me. This varies for each person.

Above: I enjoy going to Disney World on my Orlando layovers!
There are so many topics involving a Flight Attendant's career. Those topics can be saved for another blog post, since there is so much information!!
In the meantime, check out my Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/SaysHelloKitty
I will be posting video blogs of myself on layovers and also videos of myself on my days off. Thanks for being a loyal reader!
Sarah Ashley
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