Hello Guys!
Sorry for the lack of updates! Some big changes have been happening in my life and I think it's time I finally share what has been going on.
First, you should know that I'm currently attending Flight Attendant school in Phoenix, Arizona to become a Flight Attendant for a regional airline. The interview process took over two months, but ultimately I had to make a final decision within the week from when I was offered the job.
Because it was such a quick decision, I didn't have time to tell everyone that I was leaving to train for a new job. I posted the news on Facebook the day before I left and word got back to my extended family, who then called me asking me what was going on. (To my family: Sorry you found out from
a mutual family member via Facebook. Oops!)
I flew out Wednesday, August 5th and was slightly terrified at the idea of beginning a new life. I have always lived at home, as this is completely new for me. So many thoughts rushed through my mind as I said goodbye to my parents and was checking in at the ticket counter.

The thought of going somewhere for an extended period of time and not coming back home scared every little thing inside of me. It was the weirdest feeling, but I made myself move forward. It wasn't easy, as I had to distract myself on the plane with Disney movies. Thankfully, the 80 year-old farmer who sat next to me on the plane put me at ease with his interesting stories and even offered to buy me lunch because I gave him my window seat.
I arrived in Phoenix that afternoon and went to the hotel. After I walked into my hotel room, I laid on the bed, having deep thoughts thinking, "Wow, I'm really here. You can do this!" Somewhat stressed, I went downstairs and ask hotel transportation to take me to Target so I could get my mind off everything that was going on.

I met my roommate that evening and felt at ease because she is so welcoming. After that evening, I was feeling normal and ended up adjusting well. Every little fear inside me was gone, and since then, things have been great.
We started classes on August 7th, two days after arrival. It was nice that the company gave us a day to adjust to our surroundings before diving right in.
A nice pool and hot tub to enjoy at the hotel.
Phoenix Sunset
I've met so many people from class and everyone who I've met has their own interesting personality. It's been a good experience so far, and I'm glad that I decided to move forward with this opportunity. I will keep everyone updated this week on all the happenings. Enjoy your weekend.
Sarah Ashley
Glad everything is going well!!